For more than 20 years, the Technology Council of Central Pennsylvania (TCCP) has been connecting its members and organizations to promote technology and fuel economic development. TCCP has five priorities: collaborate to solve strategic problems; recruit diverse talent; stay sharp with peers; grow the business; and promote the region.
“Our current value and commitment to broader workforce issues like diversity, equity and inclusion in tech seems to be resonating with many. We have seen an over 60% increase in our membership since March 2020 and we’re pleased with the increased interest we’re receiving from places like Centre County,” said Ann Hughes President & CEO. “There is value in local connections and there is value in regional connections within the Central PA tech community and we have a renewed commitment to prioritizing both in different ways.”
In September, TCCP will mark the 5th anniversary of the Women in Technology Awards. In celebration, this year’s event will include a morning Women in Tech Summit followed by the traditional Women in Tech Awards in the evening. The virtual Summit, held Wednesday, September 8, will include an opening keynote followed by your choice of nine different breakout sessions using the Accelevents virtual platform. The platform will give attendees an opportunity to connect with one another via chat or video in between sessions.
Later that evening the virtual Women in Tech Awards will recognize this year’s finalists and celebrate this year’s Award & Scholarship winners using a highly interactive virtual networking platform called Remo. Click here for a full list of speakers and an agenda for the Women in Technology Summit and Awards. Tickets for the summit and awards program are available online.
Becoming a Member of TCCP
When you join the TCCP you will build partnerships and gain business development opportunities, become an influential voice for tech in our area and enhance the economic development of the Central PA tech region.
“At the end of the day, the Technology Council of Central PA is about creating a sense of community among the tech industry throughout our region in a way that adds value,” Hughes said. “We want technologists from all different backgrounds, industries, experience levels and expertise to see themselves as a part of a thriving Central PA tech ecosystem.”
For more information about becoming a TCCP member and the different levels of membership, visit
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