Teaching Tomorrow's Innovators
Growing Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor is now offered at all Penn State campuses. Not every student graduates looking for a job. The entrepreneurial spirit can strike early, and Penn State is answering the call for programs and resources to support young people with big ideas. Teaching entrepreneurship in the classroom isn’t exactly a new concept […]
Helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams
By Stephanie Kalina-Metzger The HVVC Team. Photo: Provided. Happy Valley Venture Capital (HVVC) describes Penn State’s entrepreneurial landscape as a “crowded forest, with tall educational programs and flourishing support initiatives.” The organization finds its purpose in paving the paths through that forest. Since its inception in 2017, HVVC has been

Targeting the world’s most difficult challenges
By Holly Riddle Penn State is frequently ranked as one of the top research universities in the world. Earlier this year, the National Science Foundation ranked Penn State as 22nd in the country in total research expenditures, fourth for “breadth and depth of research enterprise,” first for work in materials

Local technology and health care companies make big impact on blood donations
By Jodie Dello Stritto Local blood donors can now double their impact thanks to the generosity of a group of local companies who pitched in to help the Mid Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross purchase a Power Red machine. The machine enables a donor to give two

The Make Space of Centre County promotes self-sufficiency and creativity
By Stephanie Kalina-Metzger A Make Space member uses a table saw for a project. Photo: The Make Space of Centre County. As technology advances, creative individuals can, too — that is, if they’re provided with the resources to take their ideas from concept to reality. That’s the thought behind The
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