Centre Gives starts today

Centre Foundation established Centre Gives in 2012 to support and raise awareness of Centre County’s many nonprofit organizations and the incredible work they do in our community. Since its inception, over $17 million has been invested in over 200 local organizations.

During Centre Gives, donors can visit CentreGives.org to make secure donations to individual non-profits. The minimum donation is $10, and every dollar donated goes further thanks to the Centre Gives stretch pool provided by Centre Foundation and the Hamer Foundation.

Make a gift to one or more organizations who support causes you care about.

Passionate about local public education? Consider a gift to the SCASD Education Foundation, which helps enhance opportunities for students by funding innovative and important initiatives beyond the school district’s budget.

Combat food insecurity and help make sure no one in Centre County goes hungry by making a gift to the State College Food Bank.

Do you want to keep our most vulnerable neighbors – seniors, people with disabilities, and those recovering from illness, injury or surgery – safe and independent in their homes? Support State College Area Meals on Wheels.

Does Mount Nittany hold a special place in your heart? Help conserve and maintain its 800+ beautiful acres with a gift to Mt. Nittany Conservancy.

Centre Gives opens today, May 8 at 8 a.m, and ends tomorrow, May 9 at 8 p.m. Visit CentreGives.org.

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