Business, Education and Research: How Innovation Park Provides the Perfect Environment for Industry Innovation

Image: Salimetrics In 1989, Penn State University Trustees designated an area near the university’s football stadium for a research park “where collaboration between the university and private sector companies can grow,” transferring university-based knowledge “to the market place and to foster economic development.” Today, Innovation Park at Penn State is an ecosystem where business, education […]

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Virtual Invent Penn State Venture & IP Conference, April 15-16

Image: Invent Penn State If you or someone you know is seeking expert advice, there’s no better place to look than the Invent Penn State Venture & IP Conference (and you don’t even need to be Penn State-affiliated to participate!). The two-day event kicks off April 15, 12 p.m., and includes more than 50 investors […]

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Impulse Technology Makes Strides in Restoring Mobility for Amputees

Image: Invent Penn State In the span of a single minute, two people have lost a limb somewhere in the world. Research shows that there are approximately 1 million amputations around the world — and 185,000 in the U.S. — every year. However, traditional prosthetics rarely provide the ease of motion needed to empower amputees, […]

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Aleo BME’s Elaskin Finding Consumer Market Success for Wound Care

Image: Aleo BME Dressings and bandages are commonly used as go-to solutions for most minor wounds. But they’re not the ideal option in many cases. For anyone who needs a flexible, waterproof bandage that can keep wounds clean and protected, even while working in less-than-ideal conditions, there have been minimal options available—until recently. In January […]

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Happy Valley Tech at Center of Post-Pandemic Movement Toward Automation

Image: Sensor Networks As the 2020 US DOT’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) “Mega Rule” affects pipeline companies, Sensor Networks is partnering with clients to assess and monitor corrosion in decades-old pipelines with ultrasound sensors. This technology has been helping companies harvest data in order to understand corrosion rate and activity, and the […]

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Making Miniaturized Electronics

Image: : Elizabeth Flores-Gomez Murray/Penn State Penn State research could make way for new electronics the size of an atom A team of Penn State and University of Tokyo researchers have recently combined one-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures in such a way that could lead to new, miniature electronics. A van den Waals heterostructure, according […]

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