Aleo BME’s Elaskin Finding Consumer Market Success for Wound Care

Image: Aleo BME

Dressings and bandages are commonly used as go-to solutions for most minor wounds. But they’re not the ideal option in many cases. For anyone who needs a flexible, waterproof bandage that can keep wounds clean and protected, even while working in less-than-ideal conditions, there have been minimal options available—until recently.

In January 2018, ElaSkin® liquid bandage, made with biopolymer technology from Innovation Park-based company Aleo BME, was approved by the FDA and has since gone on to top Amazon charts as a bestselling liquid bandage.

There’s a good reason that it continues to top the charts. There’s nothing else like it on the market. Intended for use on minor cuts, abrasions, cracks and scrapes, this innovative wound care product is flexible, breathable and waterproof. It’s formulated to keep minor wounds protected even while working in a challenging environment. 

 “There was another liquid bandage on the market based on old technology. Our goal is to use our innovative product to become a leading brand, not just with consumers but also with professionals.”

CEO and co-founder Chao Liu, Ph.D., explains, “Our liquid bandage forms a flexible, protective seal, like a second skin.”

After it’s applied, the liquid bandage quickly creates a barrier that lasts up to five days. It wears off on its own or users can remove it by peeling it off or rubbing over it lightly with warm water.

How the First Commercial Product from Aleo BME’s Biopolymer Platform Came About

Before Aleo BME’s team created ElaSkin, they were in the research and development process for a surgical glue that could be used internally. As they continued their work, they quickly made the connection that the company’s polymers weren’t limited to internal use. From there, they made the jump to looking into topical adhesives.

“ElaSkin Liquid Bandage isn’t an adhesive,” explains Liu, “but as we looked into topical adhesives, we found that there weren’t any products on the market like this. It’s difficult to keep traditional bandages on when you’re working in a dirty environment.”

“The community here in Innovation Park is filled with tons of startup companies, creating a community of entrepreneurship.”

Providing true, lasting skin and wound protection — that’s where ElaSkin shines. It’s easy to use and dries quickly, typically within two minutes. The transparent barrier covers even hard-to-bandage areas like between fingers, knuckles and joints. It boasts moisture resistance and permeability on par with human skin, which helps create an ideal environment for skin to heal.  It all allows ElaSkin to provide the kind of protection that other brands can’t offer.

Liu notes, “There was another liquid bandage on the market based on old technology. Our goal is to use our innovative product to become a leading brand, not just with consumers but also with professionals.”

Aleo BME is a Thriving Part of the Happy Valley Community

Aleo BME is situated in Penn State’s Innovation Park, a location that Liu credits as one of the benefits of working in Happy Valley. “We have some ability to access material-testing facilities at the university through our service contract. The community here in Innovation Park is filled with tons of startup companies, creating a community of entrepreneurship.”

Additionally, the co-founder and CEO is grateful for the help she received from Ben Franklin Technology Partners. “I was trained through Ben Franklin’s TechCelerator program,” she says. “My background is in technology, and this enabled me to learn how to write business plans, perform accounting, fundraising and all the essentials for launching and running a startup.”

Liu concludes, “Also, with the university being right here, we have access to many experts, including [those in] biomedical engineering and material science. This has been helpful both scientifically and from a technology standpoint.”

Aleo BME is an innovative biomaterial technologies startup founded by a team of passionate Penn State University scientists. The company has a proprietary technology platform and a family of natural and synthetic polymers with an exciting array of potential uses in the medical, biological and environmental fields.

To learn more about the company, visit

If you want additional information about ElaSkin Liquid Bandage, visit

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